I need a woman's perspective.


So, me and my partner had a huge fight last Wednesday. The fight started because she wanted to take a trip to Nashville, TN with a male friend of hers. Now, I'm not a jealous man, by any means and I don't mind her having male friends. But here's the issue. This certain male friend is someone she used to sleep with. She's also openly told me that she is attracted to me and he is to her. They flirt with each other and they have a stroke ng physical, mental, and emotional connection. So, of course I had some reservations about it because given all the evidence and how they interact with one another I don't trust him or her in that situation. 1. I don't know why I wasn't her first choice to go out of town with. 2. Why would she even think that I would be ok and her going out of town with him would be ok. 3. Given there past history I don't understand why she would want to put herself in a position where something might happen. On top of that, she's pissed off at me for telling her how I felt. Now, with that also. I know and understand I could have handled the situation a lot better because I did say something I shouldn't have said, but what I said wasn't unjustified. And how angry and defensive she's become makes it seem like she's actually done something with him while we were together. We are supposed to be talking about this weekend because she hasn't been wanting to speak with me. I need another opinion about the whole situation.