Breastfeeding help for 6 month old


So when my son was born who BTW is now 6 months was an amazing breastfed baby he latched perfectly he drank his fill and went to sleep or played.

However he did not start becoming a hassle until 4 months old, he started constantly latching off the boob and before I even put him on the boob he would cry. When he was 5 months he wasn’t taking the boob at all and I was jumping up and down to get it in his mouth or slipping a clean finger in for a second to let him know I was feeding him. I was also jumping up and down on the bed or walking around holding him to get him to latch but he would eventually feed.

Now that he’s six months and has gained more control and strength and he completely pushes against the breast and screams and will not stop cry for 15 odd minutes and will still not sleep. And me personally I’m not tryna force him to drink at all, I only try feeding him when he’s hungry and I have checked all other factors like nappy teething and so on.

I’m at that stage I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s making it very hard for me to go

Out of the house to get tasks done.

I have been to the health visitor and they only wanted to see if he’s gaining weight and didn’t give me much advice.

I’ve also tried to pump but for some reason the pumps I have bought will not express any milk not even an ounce out of them but Ik there is loads of milk because of the rocks on my chest !!

Any one know what is going on

I really wanted to exclusively feed my baby for at least a year and now after only the 6 months am I really going to have to stop

It’s really messing with my conscious and I am feeling guilty of even thinking of putting him on formula , I’ve always wanted to breastfeed but it doesn’t seem like the script will change.

If any mum out there has come across the same situation please let me know what happened and what you did. Even if it’s just pump recommendations I have bought 3 already why not try a fourth.

I’m honestly struggling out here and feel so alone on this breastfeeding journey.

( I did offer him the bottle and he does take that well, but I don’t offer him it often it’s only when he’s gone afew hours without latching on the breast and he will drink the bottle calmly)

It’s like as soon as I face him to words my breast he’s having a melt down.