How long urine hold for Clearblue advanced digital ovulation?


I just started using the Clearblue digital ovulation kit. It says to test using FMU but I am wondering about how long of a hold that is for everyone. My dogs typically wake me up 5 or 6 hours after I go to bed and need to go out. It's extremely difficult to not go to the bathroom at that time. I try to hold it but then just lay in bed thinking about how much I need to pee.

I noticed some EWCM starting yesterday which I usually get 2 or 3 days before the Opk strips I was using showed positive. When I took CB test this MORNING, however, I am still getting blank circle (low) reading. Could I still be getting low because I'm not holding it long enough? I've been managing a 6 or 7 hour hold some days but today only got about 5.

Any advice would be helpful

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