Labor Story


My water broke on January 11th 2022 at 8pm on the dot. I knew my water had broken but I went and sat on the toilet for a bit to make sure and there was a consistent flow.

At 9pm on the dot my contractions started. They were far enough between that I was able to nap a bit but not very long.

Around 9am my fiance and I got dressed to drive an hour and a half to my obgyn.

We ended up getting there at 11am and was brought back into a room to see how dilated I was. After about 10 minutes I am told that I am only 4cm and that my water hadn't broken...even though it definitely had. They kept me there for 2 hours under observation.

At 1pm I am told I had made no progress and they can't keep me there because of only being 4cm and apparently my water hadn't broken so they sent me home.

So my fiance and I grab our stuff and head for home. About 6 minutes after leaving the hospital I start feeling back labor(which by the way hurts like a bitch, especially if you have scoliosis) and my contractions had picked up in strength, but we was not going back in there because they had pissed me off and I knew I wasn't going to be admitted so we went on home.

Halfway home the contractions got stronger and a few minutes closer. By the time we got home it about 4pm and it was a little hard to walk into the house. After getting in the house I went and layes down trying to get some rest but to no avail.

At about 7:30pm my fiance tells me we should go to the hospital because of how much pain I was in. So he called another hospital that was half an hour away and asked if we should come in and they said yes.

The car ride there was horrible to the point of I don't even remember the drive, all I remember was being in pain because sitting while in labor doesn't feel good.

At about 8:40 we get there (took me several minutes to get dressed again and then it was snowing a little when we left and the roads were icy so it took longer) and I get admitted. After about 2 minutes with my nurse and she tells me that I am 6cm and that my water had broken and asked when it had..and I told her at that point it had been 24 hours since it had broken. I had told her what the other hospital had said and she did not agree with them sending me home at all.

After about 4 hours of being there with back labor that was getting worse but had made no progress and was still 6cm I decided tonget an epidural. It broke my heart to get it because I was really wanting to go all natural but I couldn't even talk to the nurses and doctor when they would ask me questions and I was already beyond exhausted having been up pretty much 26 hours unable to sleep. So I got the epidural and when getting it the needle felt better than the contractions. I felt absolutely relieved just feeling the needle go into my spine that was until I had a contraction that happened in the middle of it that made me want to hop off the bed.

After about 10 minutes the epidural kicked in and the back labor was gone. I could still feel the contractions but not as much (I was also still able to move my legs as well).

3 and a half hours later the nurses check me and I about 9cm and they say that I will be pushing in 30 minutes (because we had to wait on the doctor) 30 minutes later the doctor comes in, the last of my epidural juice runs out and by about 4:05am I'm pushing. After a couple pushes they have me wear an oxygen mask.

I wouldn't be able to tell you what all was going on in the room whole pushing because I had my eyes closed the entire time just trying to ignore that there was a room of people staring at my vagina.

Finally at 5:04am my little girl was finally born weighing 7 pounds on the dot 22 ¼ inches long an a 14 inch head her little cries filled the room as my fiance and I stare at her in awe.