Parents smoking again :/


(Big vent incoming)

I thought my parents (55 & 56) were done smoking cigarettes but the other day I found out they are both smoking again. I smelled it on them and found a pack outside in their patio.

It’s super frustrating because they both quit for about 2 years. My dad found out he had cancer around that time (not exactly related to the smoking) and he decided to quit to give his health a higher chance to beat the cancer along with the help of chemo. A few months later, we announced we were pregnant and I think this gave him a new push to continue on his health journey. My mom quit too to help support him.

Fast forward to recently, my dad beat cancer about a year ago but they checked him again and now they’re really concerned about his lungs. They basically told him after the years of smoking he was almost certain to get lung cancer as well, but nothing was dire enough for them to do anything about it now (heard this secondhand from my mom, so not sure 100% on accuracy). I don’t know if this caused my dad to just not care anymore since the damage has been done, but since then I did find out they both started again.

My dad was doing a really good job of avoiding COVID these last few years because of how bad it could be for him after going through chemo. They both wore masks all the time, got tested at any sign of sickness, etc. Well today they told me they’re both positive and I’m probably being irrational but it’s like, you just started smoking again and now you got COVID after avoiding it for 2 years? Part of me thinks it wasn’t a coincidence since they stopped taking care of themselves again.

I know this is all their problems and addiction is hard to beat, I guess I just wanted to vent somewhere about it. Part of me wants to lecture them and tell them my end and how frustrated I am that they can’t be strong and not give into their urges for the sake of their health and how this affects everyone around them but I know nothing will change. Don’t get me wrong they’re great parents, but it’s been an issue my whole childhood so why would it change now? So, I guess I just want some words of encouragement or knowing how I can support them :(