8 months in! How's it going 🥴🥴

Lauren -👶🏾👼🏾👼🏾👶🏾

My little boo is 8 months. He has 8 teeth, walking and almost running if he can and just has the cutest personality. It's been hard though still:(

Sleep pattern is super crazy and he still wakes up 2 times at night wanting to eat and I'm having the worsr time getting him to sleep in his crib. Crying it out shoots my anxiety up and i still need to function at work the next day so i just do what i can for peace and sleep.

I think I've just been on a roller-coaster since finding out in September that i was pregnant again. Sadly I lost those babies in October.

I hope all you mom's are doing well! I pray we continue to be here for each other