My brain feels overwhelmed!


I’m a SAHM and baby is turning 9 months this week. Recently he’s learned so many skills but really has perfected crawling around. That, plus his 2 bottom teeth are in the process of coming in, and he’s becoming a lot more vocal. Everything together has been very exciting but also overwhelming.

I feel like I spend all day chasing him around and hearing him scream etc. By the end of the day my brain needs to hear silence and be still or I snap at my husband. I feel horrible for this because night time is our time to bond, but by that point I’m so exhausted physically and mentally that I just want to sit in a bath for an hour and be alone. (And yes my husband does help by taking the baby, letting me leave to workout, etc.)

Is anyone else having trouble with this??? What have you done to keep the romance going through this time? Any help appreciated 😓