Okay so me and this guy have been talking for a few weeks. We talk to eachother on the phone/ facetime all the time, but first hung out about two weeks ago. It went really well. Our schedules haven’t been able to match up as we’re both full time students and I work as well, so we haven’t seen eachother again until two nights ago.

He drove to my city (he lives about 40 minutes away) and we went out to eat, drank, and talked all night. I asked him jokingly if he was going to block me after he left and he said “no way, we shared our emotional baggage” we talked about our childhoods and really related to eachother in a lot of ways. We even talked about our exes and basically he shared with me that he recently stopped talking to his ex two weeks ago because she ended it. He said they have been broken up officially for a while, but about a month ago they ran into eachother and started what he called “pretending to be in a relationship.”

When I asked him if he’s sad that it’s over. He told me that he more feels a sense of relief because he knew it wasn’t going anywhere. This made me feel better until later in the night I saw him take a picture of my hand on his face and Snapchat it to a girl. On it he wrote “I wanted to come tonight” I was really drunk and instantly I just got really sad and kinda shut down. He kept asking me if I was okay, but I didn’t really know what to say because I thought I maybe was overthinking and it was one of his friends or he meant he wanted to be by me.

We ended up having sex all night still (maybe bad decision on my part) and he slept over and we got breakfast and spent the entire next day together. Going to eat and riding bikes around the city. He kept telling me how he feels so comfortable around me and how much fun he was having. He even came back home and talked to my friend for a while. And after, she kept talking about how much chemistry we have and how comfortable we looked. We had a great day other than the fact that He told me that he was sad that he wasn’t going to be able to go on his yearly vacation that he’s gone on the past four years because his ex and all of his friends (that are also his friends) would be there and he would get sad. This hurt my feelings because it was so random how he said that, and I think immediately he realized he messed up because he kept comforting me.

I know I need to say something, because I don’t want to get attached to someone who is using me or doesn’t care. At the same time though, I don’t know if I’m self sabotaging something that could be really good. We have amazing chemistry and he did date this girl for a long time, so clearly feelings won’t be gone forever, but I don’t know what to do or say.