Just need some insight 😊


So I’m feeling really confident about this cycle, not sure what it is but I just have this gut feeling!! Trying not to get my hopes up but it’s okay to be optimistic right?! Lol! Anyways, I know a lot of people say to stop testing after first positive but I wanted to keep track of my peak and learn my body to see how long my surge lasts. I also test in the mornings because of my work schedule (I know it’s not recommended) but that’s why I make sure to test twice a day in my fertile window! Anyways, lh started dropping last night and made a significant drop this morning/overnight. I had some cramping this morning and not really sure if it’s ovulation related. Just sharing to see if my timeline would add up where it may be ovulation and if anyone else has had cramping this far out from their peak? After my OPKs the apps guessed that I ovulated yesterday but I’m curious if it could actually be today. Regardless, I’ve bd every day since CD 9 on 3/22 and will the next 2 or 3 days to be extra safe lol!