If CPS is trying to interview you for an investigation should you wait until you get an attorney or answer their questions right away?

From my research, CPS can be very tricky and I want to move the smartest for the sake of my family. Please share any advice that you may have.

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Posted at
Always always always consult an attorney and never answer the door or questions. The whole “if I don’t, they’ll think I am hiding something” is BS. They are NOT above the law and must follow certain steps to investigate and go further.


Posted at
Oh no no no no no no.Lawyer first.They want to come in? You tell them to make an appointment so your lawyer can be present.They want you to come in and talk? You go with your attorney and let them do the speaking.They want to call you and chat? You give them the number of your attorney and say NOTHING. You absolutley do not communicate alone with CPS. Under any circumstances. You have representation. Be represented and BE QUIET. Good luck and get the retainer paid.


Posted at
Depends on the situation. I've had 2 friends have cps called on them bc someone in their life was an asshole. CPS came in, did a quick look through, asked a couple questions, & said they could tell it was a fake call but had to do a follow up anyways. If there's real concern, a misunderstanding, or CPS in your area is known to find reasons to take kids or something, then definitely consult a lawyer first.


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Are they investigating you? Or someone else? If someone else then just answer. If its you then can consult a lawyer


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I think it depends what it's for. If you haven't done anything wrong or there was an accident I would personally speak with them without an attorney. However if the case is against something you did or happened in your care that could lead to you getting founded, then I would consult an attorney.


Posted at
An attorney can’t hurt if they are investing you, if they are calling you to ask about someone else then I wouldn’t get one. We had DSS called on us several times as a child & they even pulled us out of class to talk to us without anyone present once & we were never taken, but each situation is different. I would get one just to be on the safe side


Rebecca • Mar 28, 2022
Yea I figured, but our school allowed it & they never even notifies my mom that she was under investigation that time. She literally found out when we all came home & told her we were pulled out of class to talk to them


Be • Mar 28, 2022
They are not legally allowed to talk to a minor without a parent there but this is a common thing they do because they get away with it sadly


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It depends on the investigation. If it's just a he said she said mix up, they'll be able to figure that out. If it's a genuine problem that needs to be improved on the parents end and they need to do better with things, get a lawyer


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If you’re the person who lost two kids and a year later “don’t know why” and are now worried about them coming around again...I think there are more pressing issues to consider. Anyway... While it’s nice to know you don’t have to open the door and can get an attorney first, attorneys cost money and I’m not really sure of your allegations but for me it would depend because I see the shit show and overwhelmed mess CYS is here and know there is zero reason they’d have any motivation to not just check things out and leave. However, this is honestly why, as a mandated reporter, I call the police in a situation that I feel actual abuse is happening and needs response immediately rather than CYS. If you know people are going to make false allegations toward you, make sure you document everything.


Posted at
I already had an attorney at the time when CYS was called (it wasn’t going to go against me). I spoke to my attorney at first though just because this was the first time ever for something like this and I didn’t want to say anything wrong.