4th c section danger?

Sam • Momma to 2 girls Brooklyn 2/20/16 💜 London 7/10/17 💜 Rainbow baby due October 8th 2021 🌈💗😭 Angel babies 5/2020 & 1/2015👼🏻👼🏻

So I had my 3rd child and c section in September I don’t plan on having more kids soon but they told me my scar was thin and cut a 2nd one but didn’t make me get my tubes tied. Has anyone else been told you shouldn’t have anymore and had no problems? Was wondering how concerning it even is if they didn’t immediately tie my tubes? I don’t want to risk it but I just feel a 4th would complete our family someday. Also my doctor that did the 3rd c section was very pushy about getting my tubes tied but his answers were because 3 kids is a lot. Also how long should I wait if it is safe for me to have 1 more?