Trying to find some hope if anyone could pass on some success stories if they’ve been in a similar situation to me I’d be so very grateful. I had a chemical pregnancy in January and we were lucky enough to fall pregnant the next cycle. I would have been ten weeks today but I started bleeding with mild cramps a day or so ago so I went to get checked out yesterday. It was my first scan and they said they could see a sac and a little bub there but only measuring at six weeks as opposed to expected 9 weeks and six days with no heartbeat. We know our timing isn’t off but will have to go back to have a scan in ten days to confirm. Shortly after I got home the bleeding got worse and I passed a few large clots so I’m 99% sure that was it. Bleeding has eased off a little but I’m absolutely heartbroken and feel in a state of limbo. I’m sorry for all the info (and if this isn’t the right place to post I’ll remove) and if this triggers anyone I’m so deeply sorry but just need to hear some positive stories right now if anyone has experienced similar and gone on to have a successful pregnancy ✨