Meeting other parents/kids when you have social anxiety

I am a first time mom and my daughter is now a year and a half, and with the pandemic getting better we are wanting her to start socializing with other kids. There are some kids in our neighborhood and sometimes they are out with their parents, but it is incredibly hard for me to just go up to them and introduce ourselves, as I have bad social anxiety. I don't want my daughter to miss out but this is a hurdle I am struggling to clear. I was thinking perhaps I could find some kind of structured groups that would be a little less anxiety-producing than just walking up to people in my neighborhood (which is terrifying to me, please don't judge). Does anyone have any suggestions? Are there any parents out there who have similar experience with social anxiety and struggles with meeting new parents/kids?

Again, please don't judge (or if you do, please keep it to yourself). I am doing my best and trying very hard to go out of my comfort zone because I know how important it is for my daughter to meet people and make friends. Thanks for any help!