Please tell me I’m not the only one 😅

I messed up today. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or maybe cause I haven’t eaten a real meal in the last two days, or maybe it was because today was the last straw in the bucket for my mental health… UGH. Bring on the mom guilt.

So today I brought my kids (3 years and 8 months) to the play gym in town. I have horrible social anxiety and from now on will only be going when i know it’s not too busy… so anyways, my daughter and son were fine playing, we were there for about an hour. I noticed both of them starting to get tired and the place start to get very busy so I tell my daughter we will be leaving in 15 min. When time came around to leave she absolutely refused to listen to me. She started to run away from me, flail around, scream at me and then finally try and hit me… all indicators to me that she is EXHAUSTED now and also obviously mad we had to leave. So I picked her up and told her we have to leave now, it’s ej’s (her brother) nap time and he needs rest, we can come back tomorrow. She agreed so I set her down and then when we walked to the front she asked for a chocolate milk, I was going to get her one when she darts to the end of the store and again refused to come back to me after several attempts. So in the end, I picked her up and just walked out of the play gym with my son and her in my arms. I could feel the eyes of judgement but honestly my anxiety just took over. I know I should’ve been more patient and worked through it with her better but today was just not my day, so, as I sit here in guilt and anxiety about returning… Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s had these moments and also, if you have, how I can I be more patient in the future…


the lost her patience big time mom.

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Posted at
No judgment from this mom! You did what you had to do. The hell with anyone who judged you


Megan • Apr 1, 2022


Posted at
I doubt they were judging. They were likely hoping to not have the same type of experience when it’s time for them to tell their kids it’s time to go.I wouldn’t have really done anything different. We would have got to the car and we would have talked about the unwanted behavior and discuss what should have been done differently. I definitely wouldn’t return the next day as that would just be rewarding her. I would talk about it with her several times and maybe a week later try to return. That day we would talk about the kind of behavior that is acceptable and give the expectation that she either behave in the way she is supposed to or she will not be returning until she is fully trusted to go there with better behavior. I wouldn’t really be any more patient. Actually I would have been very stern if this happened with my 3.5 year old son.


💕 • Apr 2, 2022
I agree! Or sympathizing


Posted at
I don’t think you should feel bad, she kept misbehaving and you had enough so weren’t as patient near the end which is totally understandable! Anyone judging you has never had kids or doesn’t remember what it was like having kids that age! Hopefully your night is better after everyone naps! :)


Posted at
Anyone in that gym with older kids well remembers that age and likely felt pity for you as they watched the drama, not judgement 💕In a place like that everyone was once in your shoes!


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It may be hard to do, but I wouldn't let any judgement get to you. Either they judge you because they aren't parents and they can't truly understand, and it's just ignorance, or they are parents and they're judging you because they're shitty people. We've all been at the store and heard a kid screaming, and the other day it was MY kid (I'm a first time mom, he's 2.5) here I am 30 years old and my first experience being the parent of "that kid". It sucks, but I just focused on my kid and tuned the world out. What other people think of me is none of my business. Also, they'll all forget by tomorrow, they're just strangers you'll likely never see again.


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I feel this in my soul. 3 year olds are the biggest assholes. They're lucky they're cute.


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I bet no one judged and actually were thinking “been there! Done that!” But anxiety plays those games with our brains!


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Your not the only one and I don’t care what anyone thinks. There my kids and I deal with them. Every kid is different and there kid is probably calm but not my kid lol. It’s normal to lose it at times. Don’t feel guilty