Did plan b work?

I had unprotected sex on Wednesday, in the fertile window according to this app, with fertile CM. On Friday afternoon I took a plan B pill. The following day on Saturday, I had large amounts of textbook raw egg white CM and the amount decreased over the next day but as of early morning hours of Monday I’m still having raw egg white CM.

I was reading that plan B is supposed to delay ovulation and won’t work if taken after ovulation, I also read that it thickens your CM.

With the large amounts of raw egg white CM and no signs of nonfertile CM, do you think plan B worked?

*married with children, not actively TTC

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Posted at
If you already were ovulating or have ovulated, then no plan B won't work!


Posted at
If you’re not actively ttc then you should be using birth control


Posted at
I’ve taken plan B a few times, it has worked every single time. Never really was concerned about ovulations and everything else. Once it made my period late but the last time I took it which actually was after ovulation my period came on time. I don’t like using it because it can mess up your hormones but when accidents happen, they happen. I’ve never heard of anyones plan b not working that I actually know, but I know it can happen!


Posted at
You waited 48hrs during your fertile to take plan b so it depend when you actually ovulated, and yes if you are already ovulating plan b is less effectiveYou just need to test now in two weeks when your due