Advice needed

I recently discovered my mom is cheating on my father. She started talking to an old bf thru Facebook and it has been getting quite sexual. He lives a few hours from us and I believe she is trying to figure out a way to go see him. My dad has recently had a decline in health and they have been fighting because he is depressed and anxious over it all. My mom is like my best friend and I'm shook over this. I want to confront her but at the same time I can't because I kind of snuck into her Facebook and discovered all this after noticing several message notifications from him when I daughter was using her tablet. What should I do? I've tried to nonchalantly tell her that her and my dad need to work thru stuff and that I want my family back how it was and such. I'm so lost over how to handle this.

Replying here as to stay anonymous. I feel as it does involve me as my daughter and I still live with them.