Summer school for kindergarten.. clarified.

My son had a kindergarten evaluation and he missed a couple things, but it's stuff I know he knows. And stuff I know he needs help with and are already taking those steps.

But they suggested he goes to summer school for it, which I personally find so ridiculous.

So I just wanted to know if anyone else would have sent their kid for it?

The things he needs help on is identifying letters and numbers a little better. He can do a few, but not many. And writing his name.

The things he scored low in was counting 1-20 and another counting thing but now I can't remember. However I know he can do that perfectly it just seemed like he was getting tired of the test since the numbers were last.

To clear up some comments:

He's already accustomed to school life as he's currently in preschool. This is summer school for going INTO kindergarten not first grade. We recently just had parent teacher conference for his preschool and his teacher who was once a kindergarten teacher says she has all confidence in him starting and doing great next year. I even told her how they suggested he do summer school and for the things he got wrong and she even agreed with me that the things he needs to work on can be done throughout summer and it's not even a requirement, they just like for kids to atleast have a small understanding. She also laughed that he scored low in counting because she has even said he's one of the best counters in class. He's definitely NOT struggling either 😅

I just think it's so silly to even offer summer school for going into kindergarten. Plus he would literally get no summer break at all! Whatever happened to kids just being kids. I never even heard of summer school until late middle school-high school.