Virtual Baby Shower Thoughts?



We have many out of town relatives (mostly on my side), several of which have asked if we are doing a virtual baby shower. This will be the first grandchild on both sides, first great grandchild for my grandparents, and first Great great grandchild for my great grandma who is VERY excited - all of these family members live in other states and would not be able to travel to us. A large portion of my husbands family lives in state, so I’m sure they’d prefer an in person one though.

Has anyone ever done an in person shower for local family/friends AND a virtual baby shower for those who don’t want to travel/can’t travel? If we do a virtual one, I was planning on still having games, opening gifts on screen, and maybe a nursery tour as well.

With that said, I’ve heard some people call virtual showers tacky, and I don’t want our family to feel like we are just begging for gifts, I just want to give them the chance to be involved if they’d like to be, especially with us having gotten married during the pandemic and majorly cutting down our wedding guest list (less than 20). Most of our larger items are already being given to us by immediate family members, so majority of our registry is “fun stuff” (clothes, swaddles, books, toys, etc) and diapers. A couple of my friends sent me some fun games we can play over zoom that I think my family would enjoy (they LOVE games lol), so I think we could make it fun!

I’m thinking we could invite them all to the in person one, but let them know we are having a virtual one (the next day maybe) for those who are unable to make it but still want to celebrate with us?

What do you guys think? What has been your experience?