Fighting DVO

I placed a domestic violence order on my ex partner & father of my 3yo son back in December 2021. I was granted a temporary protection order, to last until the order was decided and made final by the courts. My ex has decided to contest the order. I have legal aid representing me and my affidavit has been sent in & waiting on his next month before our court date the end of May.

I am so terrified of the order not being made final. I’m scared of things going back to the way they were, him getting away with all of the trauma and abuse he has put me through & the courts completely invalidating everything I’ve gone through. I fear for mine and my sons safety so much.

At the end of the day it’s very little protection and basically a piece of paper, but anything to help me feel that little bit safer would be amazing. PLEASEEEEEEE if anyone has been through similar and the respondent of the DVO has contested, what was the outcome and why? Also what was it like in court