Weight in Pregnancy

Edit: Thanks everyone I'll talk to my doctor and go from there. I should have added I'm Australian so they can't just refuse to see me through the public system. I'm not sure if thats different elsewhere though 🤔

Has anyone refused to be weighed when pregnant? My last pregnancy I was greeted at my 16wk appt by the doc woth "your BMI puts you in the obese category" and told me not to gain weight. Anyway since that baby Ive been actively trying to lose weight - seeing a dietician and improving thay, joining a gym and drinking more water. Its stubborn and hasn't really budged but visually I'm not that big anyway?

Sorry for the rant but I've recently discovered I'm pregnant again and I am dreading them watching my weight like I am trying and doing my best not to relapse into unhealthy relationships with food that have previously left me malnourished and anorexic in life.

Idk what else to say I'm honestly just terrified because I'm really trying and I cannot handle being shamed again.