Would you be mad?Am i behaving like a child?

So me(20) and my bf(26) are together for about 4 months.We are happy but i am the anxiously attached person in every relationship.I know this is toxic and I’m working on it but it’s hard.So i only study through the day,whereas my bf works a lot. He doesn’t have much time to text during the day so he prefers to call me and i am perfectly fine with that. Right now he is at Greece and work again.In the morning we texted, everything was fine and he was like:,,I’m going to text you later cause I’m busy right now” and i said okey,cause I understand that he has things to do.However, 7 hours later i called him cause saw that he was online a couple minutes ago and he picked up and he sounded very tired.He was acting normal, not being cold and i really wanted to ask him:,, Didn’t you have 2 minutes to call me, to see what i am doing or you are not interested in me” but I stopped myself because I don’t know if that’s immature.I talked to a friend and she told me:,,when you start to work,you’ll understand”.So am I overreacting,i am behaving like a child?I think that if i person whats to do something,he would.So the fact the i called him after 7 hours does it mean that he just don’t want to call me?