Back To Back Pregnancy


So husband and I weren’t planning for it but I think we’re pregnant with a second and I’m only, almost 5 months post-partum. I’m rather anxious because the last thing I planned to do was explain to my OB why I’m back so soon after being told to wait at least 6 months lol but at the same time I’m okay with the concept of having another even with it being so soon. (If this is baby #2, they would have been conceived about two weeks after hitting that 4 month mark.)

What have you all experienced with less than 6-12 months post-partum pregnancy? During your pregnancy and the labor and delivery. I’m not worried about what care of two babies afterwards will be like but I want to be very aware during the pregnancy and reading science articles is not the same as hearing first hand experience.

As point of reference, my first was induced at 38wks out of concern for heart rate decels after having a blood pressure scare that brought me in to begin with. The little gymnast came out with two true umbilical knots and I had many instincts starting at 28 weeks telling me there was something not quite right but baby was never distressed besides an occasional quiet day but he always bounced back with some sugar. I also had GDM even though I had healthy habits and healthy weight (if anything I was underweight before pregnancy.) I had no real complications nor did baby.

How was you experience with back to back pregnancy with induction or GDM?

I wouldn’t be asking if hubs and I hadn’t drank a tad too much and forgot the wrapper 🤷🏼‍♀️