A true positive or just my hormones adjusting?


On May 1st (a week ago today), I passed the last of the tissue from my miscarriage and my bleeding stopped. I was supposed to be 11wks but the gestational sac was empty and only measured 5wks & 5days. I had an ultrasound on Thursday, May 5th, that confirmed my uterus was empty and my uterine lining was measuring less than 10mm (didn’t give me an exact number). The same day of my ultrasound I had my HCG drawn so we can follow it down and it came back at 57. The next day, May 6th, I took an opk because I felt all of my same ovulation symptoms and got a blazing positive. The next day I tested at 1:30 and it had gotten lighter. Tested again the same day at 4:00 and it had gotten even lighter than the previous one. Today I tested again and it’s even lighter. Do you think it’s possible I actually ovulated? **we are not trying, just tracking while we let my body heal out of pure curiosity