Anxiety and depression in marriage

My husband works a job the requires him to be gone pretty often and he doesn’t have a schedule. I work from home (high stress job but flexible for my kids schedule). The kids attend daycare 3 days a week. My husband makes good money but not enough for me not to have to work.

Over the last 4 years I’ve been the primary care taker of my children. When he’s home he’s definitely present and helps with them. I’m wondering if I’m being selfish or asking too much by mentioning that I’m overwhelmed with taking care of them by myself when he’s away. He comes home more often now but it’s more like a visit then he’s home… I’m torn because it seems women are expected to be able to do it all without complaining. He gives me the impression that he doesn’t see any reason for my frustrations.

I feel like lately it’s caused serious strain on our relationship but for some reason I’m not able to just deal with it…. I struggle with anxiety pretty bad and I have really dark thoughts about having to do it ALL on my on and that’s why I’m worried about pushing him away.

Is anyone else dealing with this?