14 weeks bleeding & freaking out


Hey all, I’m 14+3 weeks and I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and noticed bright red blood in the toilet. I completely freaked out and went straight to the ER. I had a miscarriage in January so I wasn’t taking any chances. I had no cramping at the time. ER docs did blood work and an ultrasound and said everything looked fine, baby measuring a couple days ahead and very active and heart rate of 146. They sent me home but I’ve continued to have brown spotting all day since that first episode. Also have had cramping during the day after getting home. It’s not terrible pain, I’ve definitely had much worse period cramps than this but I’m just so worried. I have an early follow up scan tomorrow morning with my OB but in the meantime I’m on modified bed rest for the rest of the week. Has anyone gone through something similar and had a good outcome? I really can’t lose another one 😞😔