Hypertension meds during pregnancy


I am 12w1d. This is my 14th pregnancy, and I have 5 living children. Hopefully 6 in December ♥️

I developed mild to moderate hypertension that was discovered at my 12w appt during my 3rd pregnancy. Its only really really high during my doctor appts. I hav had so many mc, so much bad news at the doctor that it immediately triggers a panic attack. My readings at home are borderline normal.. 125-132/82-85. I had never been put on anything for hypertension during either preg 3 or 4.

I had a stroke 4 months postpartum after preg 4. My BP was out of control the day i was admitted for the stroke 210/112. I was in hypertensive crisis, but to be fair i had thought i was going to die not even an hour before and found out i had a stroke at age 34. When i was released my BP was way down, however neurologist contributed my stroke to periods of uncontrolled hypertension (i had a spontaneous vertebral artery dissection) bc there was no other reason for it to happen. I have tried Amlodipine, Lisinopril (before pregnancy) metaprolol, procardia, and labetolol. I cant take them. They make my BP really low during the times it was already high normal at home, it causes alot of numbness and tingling that is extremely triggering for me bc i think im having a stroke, heart palpitations,intense tingling scalp, the list goes on. I would like to find something that i can take, what has everyone else been prescribed and how did you do on it? I see my mfm on Thurs and i would like to have meds to discuss with him instead of him just pick one to try.