Is it even possible??


I'm on the Nuvaring, I took my last one out on April 23rd to have my "period", but it was 4 days past when I was supposed to. My bleed was normal, 5 days, same flow. I didn't end up putting in my new ring until May 11th, so over 2 weeks since I had taken out my previous one. That same day I also had some egg white discharge, tender nipples and some light pain on one side of my pelvis (all symptoms I have around my time of ovulation.) I know if you put in your new ring in the middle of a cycle you're supposed to wait 7 days for it to actually work, well my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex and he finished in me on May 12th. Today I took a test because I had a weird feeling and I saw a vvfl on it, what are the odds that I'm pregnant? I have ordered more tests and are waiting for them to retest but just wanted to know if it was possible.

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