How early did your symptoms start? Did they start earlier with subsequent pregnancies?

I have two little boys, I did have early symptoms but can’t remember them THIS early. I learned after my second that I ovulate about 3x a month, usually right after my period, the “normal” window, then right before my period..which makes sense why both my boys came about a week “early”. I had intense ovulation pain and low back pain (I believe, from knowing my body) 2-3 days after sex, and random nausea started kicking in about a week after as well as insatiable hunger, mood swings (which aren’t common for me) and feeling hyper emotional lol which is also very uncommon for me. I don’t randomly get nauseous unless I need to eat and have done a really intense work out or something physically demanding (have had insatiable hunger, so not hungry here ha) and can’t finish a workout and I am SO TIRED with no changes in our routine..I can’t test for another few days…but am I just overly stressed or have others felt symptoms this early before? I found out at 4 weeks with both my boys.