Is it normal for my MIL to buy over half of my registry gifts?

My MIL is generally nice to me but lately I’m realizing that some of the things she’s done to me have been very rude and inappropriate. For example, ‘fixing’ the food I’ve made for my in laws, talking about my anxiety issues with my husband (I’ve told him to shut that down in the future). These things are probably why I feel so anxious around her, and for my whole pregnancy (I’m 31 weeks) I’ve felt really protective over my baby. She has called him ‘our baby’ and seems too interested in being his mom, telling me how good of a mom she was to my husband, telling me she wants to babysit my baby by herself and generally giving me a weird vibe. This is her first grandchild, and my husband is her only child so I’ve written off these things are her just being excited… but idk if I’m being stupid here and missing some red flags.

She has bought us around 15 things (not on the registry) for the baby, and also 20 of the 50 things on our registry. Am I being hormonal or is this too much? I really appreciate her generosity but I’m worried it will come with strings attached, like expectations of being the baby’s second mom or something. I told my husband I don’t want his parents to visit us after the baby is born for at least 2 weeks, and I’m not letting them hold him until he gets his vaccines. My in laws work in public transit and are ALWAYS sick, they’ve had Covid twice and after we see them I usually come down with a cold. He told them this, and they didn’t argue at all, they said okay that makes sense and moved on. But, over the weekend she texted me that her boss just cut her grand baby’s umbilical cord and ‘how wonderful is that’ 🙄 So maybe they’re not as ok with our rules as I thought, or are trying to manipulate us into changing our minds.

My mom gives gives with ulterior motives often, and is very manipulative, so idk if I’m projecting this onto my MIL. At this point I want nothing to do with her, but she acts so ‘nice’ and like everything she does is for the good of my husband and I. I just feel like I’m not buying it anymore.

Does it sound like I’m overly suspicious and I actually have a good MIL? She also does things like sends me gifts for my bday, and when my in laws visit us she brings food and cleans all of the dishes.