No period symptoms. Is this a pregnancy sign?


Hi ladies,

I am not on birth control. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend four times in one day and he came inside of me. According to Glow, that day was two days before I ovulated so i had a 30-40% chance of getting pregnant.

I always have period symptoms. My boobs get more full and lumpy + sore a week before. I get sugar cravings, irritability .. here i am, one day before my period is due to start and i don’t have any symptoms whatsoever.

My period usually starts a day or two before Glow says I’m going to start. My period never is later than the day of expectancy. But i ALWAYS have symptoms.

With my daughter, i knew i was pregnant a week before my missed period because of the symptoms i was having. I’ve never had a lack of symptoms before my period.

Has anyone else had no period symptoms and ended up being pregnant??