How many times change your major?

Elizabeth • 👶 girl-7/14/11 👩‍❤️‍👨married-7/4/19🍼EDD-girl-12/10/22

I’m genuinely curious, bc I’m having a really hard time deciding which route to go. I can’t make up my mind, I’ve had 3 majors and now…. Considering changing again!

Information systems technology to …… medical billing/ health information technology to……. Digital media/ graphic design……… I’m 36, with one child and one on the way, I feel like wth am I doing?! I don’t have time to waste! I’m considering business and / or marketing now? Am I crazy LOL Although I have got credit for some general Ed classes, but…. all the time, credits and money wasted 🤦🏼‍♀️

What is your major?

How many times did you change your major?

Were you confident in your choice?
