Health and Pee Question help!


I have had this issue for a few years now, I seem to leak a little pee all through the day. Its not every day, but frequent enough that its an embarrassing and uncomfortable issue.

I am 24 now and it started early college, like 6 years ago. I wasnt able to see a doctor while in college, and more recently I keep meaning to bring it up with the doctor but we have been focusing so much on getting my meds right for other issues, plus it is very uncomfortable for me to bring up. I'm embarrassed. I cannot control it, and on days like today where I was very sweaty and exercising it became a somewhat smelly issue, which feels terrible to admit even anonymously. I'm so sick of this.

My only guess for how it started is for 12 years of school I go used to holding it in and not peeing for the entire 8 hour school day because we'd get yelled at for going to bathroom. and then that has just carried on into my behavior. IDK! I'm so upset by this, I feel this shouldn't be an issue I should be having at my age. (never been pregnant either btw)

so my question is, like I assume this isnt normal, and which doctor do I even ask? I recently started actually seeing a gyno, should I ask her? I feel like I have discomfort in my actual body in the front there, where you usually have cramps and have had many tests for UTI and I never have one. Im frequently dehydrated, can that cause it? (drinking more water is something im working on, its also a side effect from a new pill from this year)