3rd baby

So my husband and I always wanted a big family. We didn't start trying till our 30's for babies as I had health issues. Making me a unique patient while pregnant. I have nerve damage in my spine from my back to my feet. I worked really hard with multiple surgeries and therapy to walk. Now I'm employed and home with our two beautiful children that I had naturally. Both babies were high risk pregnancies but both born healthy and at full term just early.

My husband has now told me he doesn't want a third baby. That he's terrified of the what ifs. That both my pregnancies and labor and delivery where so traumatic for him. That the month of pregnancy took a toll on him but more importantly if something happened to our baby or me he wouldn't ever recover.

I have been encouraged by my doctors to have babies. That I'm perfectly good. I would even qualify for infertility medication again as that is how we made our first. That my health is good and that if we want another we have the go ahead. My doctors think it will help remission my condition but also I'm not any more risk then any other woman. Also I have the same doctors as my first and second and if I want a third. So super consistent. Also I qualify for all the special sorts of testing and screening during my pregnancy if I choose to have another. Meaning tons of appointments and scans 3 times a week and monitoring.

Our families have been talking about how good of parents we are. That they are supportive of us too.

So now my husband basically is telling me he doesn't want to have another baby but will if I want one. I am feeling really guilty about that. I don't feel like our family is completely finished and truthfully even after a third we will probably explore fostering children. There isn't a financial reason either we provide solely for our family and do well. We both work and we have no childcare we do it all. Our marriage is good as well. We have room in our home for more children. Our children are thriving and well.

The back of my mind is if we do have a third and I talked him into this and something unthinkable happens he will blame me for it. I'm worried he'd resent me.

I read on here all the time where husband's say no more to kids. My husband isn't saying that. He is actually saying he's scared and he will but I'm feeling it isn't truthful response. I've prayed about it. I'm worried to talk to close people about it as what if my husband will resent me.

Thanks for all the comments. We have this conversation daily. So this isn't anything new for us. That has what has lead me to hearing how others talk about this. That is also how I know his views and feelings and vice versa. He has also spoke to everyone of my doctors and heard their opinions too. He feels they are going to support more kids because that keeps them in buisness 🤦‍♀️🙄 We legit talk about this all the time. Because of my age we either have to do it or not now.