My husband has been mean and cranky

My husband has cancer and has been going through chemo a few years now. His emotions have been flip flopping all over the place. Its been a lot. Sometimes he will cry. Other times he will be irritable and cranky. He's yelled at me and slammed doors in my face. I miss his sweet tender side... Other times he's just crying all day. I never know which version of him I'm gonna get. I tried to tell him how I felt and his his emotions are really getting to me and he yelled at me and said "So men have to put up with their wives bitchiness during their periods and pregnancy(we have 4 kids. Two are twins) but I'm carrying a fucking cancerous lump and my emotions are too much for you? Screw you then! And went into the bedroom to cry". I feel like pregnancy and childbirth and cancer aren't compatible. They're so different. I just don't know how to handle all his emotions and mood changes.

Thank you guys! I'm just feeling overwhelmed with everything and I was letting it get to me.