

Hi everyone! I've had 3 MC. They all had stopped developing about the 6 week mark. So I'm pregnant again (hopefully yay!) and the plan was to be put on progesterone and baby aspirin right away. But when I called they needed to confirm my HCG levels were doubling before they put me on it (I get they need to confirm the pregnancy but it cost me almost a week). So I didn't get to start progesterone until the night of 4+6weeks. I'm on Prometrium, 200mg, 3 times a day. When I search the community posts people seem to have decent luck with it helping avoid another MC, but wondered if anyone has any issues and it not helped? My biggest concern is I didn't get to start it early enough for it to have any effect. I'm current 5+2weeks and my first US is at 6+4weeks.

Any thoughts, experiences are helpful! ☺️