Sever abdominal cramping at night

I am 28w5d and I have been having some episodes of sever lower abdominal pain very much like period cramps. This is the third instance that this has happened. First time it happened twice and each time I was woken up from my sleep to this painful sensation that is also accompanied with nausea. The second time this happened was in the evening but not yet bedtime and the same cramping happened with nausea but eventually went away. But last night was the worst episode. The cramping woke me up again and I swear I felt like my entire belly was in a knot. I tossed and turned for what felt like forever trying to ease the pain but it lasted a couple minutes. I was eventually able to go back to sleep but I’m starting to get worried. This is my first pregnancy and I’m not sure what to expect. I mentioned it to my doctor but she didn’t seem to know what it was and said it could be contractions. Has anyone else experienced this? The fact that my doctor can’t give me a straight answer about what’s going on and that I have only just entered the third trimester has be scared that I’m not going to make it to full term or I’m going to be in labor and not know it.