Anyones husband had to leave due to job closer to birth?

How did you handle it?

Did he make it back in time?

My husband has training for 2 days 2 hour drive away from us. I will be a little shy to 37 weeks.

Maybe I’m over reacting but I’m freaking out.

With my 1st I gave birth 39+6 went into labor 39+5

I feel like I’m gonna give birth a little early this time. (Could be wrong)

In a perfect world, I wanna give birth after my due date (my parents will be here) lol.

My anxiety is just so bad and my pain tolerance is so low, I’m so scared for the unknown…

My first the hospital was 3 min away.

This time it’s 15-20 depending on traffic probably way longer to get there

Might just have to give birth without him 🤣

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