Sorry it’s really long- I’m just fed up idk what to do

I’m not quite sure what to do.. yesterday hubs and I got into an argument abt going to his grandmas after he got off, she thought we were coming over but he wanted to go home to smoke- that was what it started over then by the time we’re almost home he was saying that he never thought he would ever feel this way towards me but he doesn’t love me any more and now i started a new job and now college that’s just not what he wants. I don’t want someone in college. “I have a picture in my mind of what I want and that just isn’t you “ I don’t want to be seen with you and I don’t want to do anything with you and that he could find someone that treats him better I literally do everything for him- I bring him to and from work, cook, clean and take care of the dog, he can’t even be bothered to take her outside I do. He doesn’t help me with dishes or even putting his freaking boots by the door after work bc he tracks in dirt or saw dust. It’s just annoying the shit out of me bc I do everything for him and he’s like your job doesn’t even pay the bills- I pay for gas/ he’ll put in like 20 dollars every couple weeks - I just put 40 in and didn’t even give me a full tank- I pay for internet and car insurance plus 400 for rent he pays 575 for his rent. And claims that he pays all the bills and thinks that 575 covers everything else. He’s helped me out one time by paying car insurance and internet which was 200 altogether and gave me exactly that but then turned around and asked me to go grocery shopping with that money I had left and I explained to him that he only gave me the exact amount for the bills and he got mad and said that I’m just after his money. We’ve been together for 8 yrs and he just got his shit together last yr and got a job so from 18-22 I payed all the bills and we were on our own with no help . Like it’s like he forgets that I payed everything for years and now that he pays 175 more in rent he says he pays all the bills and I can’t make it with out him. It just irritates my soul.

- complains he never sees me I literally always ask him to go do stuff on our days off but he always says no like the beach last weekend so I went alone anything I want to go I always just do it alone now BUT THEN will go fishing with his BIL for hours from 6am -7pm sometimes —

So I dropped him off at home and went to my moms for a bit and came back

And he says he doesn’t want to leave me and he doesn’t not want to be seen with me he just doesn’t want to do anything with me. And I tried explaining to him that w/o my job I wouldn’t be able to go to college and he’s like OH SO NOW YOUR IN COLLEGE FOR 4 YEARS AND CANT EVEN AFFORD IT I THOUGHT IT WAS FREEEE AND THEY WERE PAYING FOR IT .

I was like exactly it is free and they are paying for it I had to spend 400 on a used but met the requirements laptop for it but that’s all/ they pay for everything including books but without that I couldn’t afford 40,000 + to go to school on my own??. Sorry I know kind of long but I just don’t know what to do anymore. And we’re stuck in this lease until December and I have no where to go if we do break up and I can’t leave my dog behind but living in my car isn’t an option with her either/ moving home( 27hrs away) is hard my car is super old and has 230k miles on it.advice? Also during the argument- I just shut down and don’t respond and he hates that so mf much but I don’t do it purposely I just don’t have anything to answer with

Am I in the wrong?