Baby Sleep Temperature


Do any of you just get so anxious about your baby’s sleeping temperature? I feel like I just can’t figure out exactly how to dress him at night. I get so worried about overheating him or chilling him. I’m constantly fiddling with the thermostat. Opening/closing vents. Checking his neck and torso to see if he’s warm or cold. I try to set my bedroom at 71-72 at night. We just started him in a sleep sack and even though the TOG is .5 and the recommendation for that temp is for footie pajamas I feel like he’s too cold. But then I worry that he’ll be too warm if I change the thermostat or add more layers. And then I Google what a chilled baby looks like and potential problems. And then do the same for a hot baby.

He sleeps great, but then I’m Googling and see that a cold baby will sleep very still and quiet because their bodies are trying to create warmth. So then it’s the “is he sleeping good or slowly freezing to death” (in my room that’s set at 71-72 with footie pj’s and a sleep sack) 🤦‍♀️

How do you mommas handle this anxiety? I have no issues anywhere else. It’s literally the sleeping temperature that causes me anxiety.