My toddler won’t stop touching my nipples

My toddler is 2 next month.. he’s been touching my nipples since I weaned him off which was about 7 months ago.

In the beginning I didn’t think much of it because he was my first and I thought it would go away. It’s just getting worse and worse now. The only way he will sleep is if he’s holding and squeezing my nipples. It drives me insane, sometimes I want to cry because it can go on for hours.

Many of you will say “just stop him. Take his hands out and be firm”. You don’t know how hard it is to do that. He cries and screams and kicks I’m sure the whole street can hear. When it’s the middle of the night I don’t want to deal with his outbursts because I’m tired and need sleep too so I just give in. It’s becoming a really mentally draining thing for me. Please if anyone has some advice or ways to tackle this I would appreciate it.