TTC 10 months apply for new jobs (within company)?


Do any of you think it would affect me negatively to transfer departments for a better paying job while TTC? This is my 10th month TTC so it doesn't seem like it's happening fast but what if I do get pregnant soon🤷‍♀️. I would stay within my company but just go to a possible different department. Do you think that would affect maternity leave at all if I hypothetically got pregnant soon? I know you have to work at a company for a year before being eligible for FMLA but I wonder how that works from position to position or department to department.

I work remotely too. It's just that with my position I'm going to have to travel to in person meetings now (not all the time) and would like to avoid that 😂 and would like more money too.

I could ask HR but that's an uncomfortable subject so I would rather not. Do you think I will looked on negatively for getting pregnant fast after switching jobs 🤷‍♀️😂. I work in a corporate environment