How would you handle this?

So previously I had posted how we found out on the same day that we were pregnant with twins but one stopped growing and no longer had a heartbeat at 8 weeks. All our research said that there might be a chance that they might still be okay just slightly delayed since they were di di twins. At my 12 week appointment we went in for a check up and did the Doppler to check the heartbeat of the surviving twin. Well at this appointment I went alone because my husband stayed home with our older two children. During the appointment I was with a nurse practitioner instead of my usual doctor because he was busy. The NP was searching for the heartbeat for almost 20 minutes that entire time I’m laying freaking out that I lost the second twin. She ended up grabbing the bedside ultrasound machine to try to locate them, which conveniently didn’t have sound. Finally located the baby but confirms that the twin is “absorbed”. Then she goes back to using the Doppler where she jabs my stomach, feeling like she was trying to push threw my stomach. Heartbeat is good at 150 but now my stomach is sore. She is going to be doing the quad screening at my next appointment and I won’t get to see my actual doctor until August. It’s all frustrating and this isn’t my first pregnancy. This was one of the worst appointments.

Edit: Maybe I should clarify. I have had the same doctor for my other two pregnancies. He is my doctor for this one. This nurse practitioner is new and was treating me like it was my first pregnancy and was talking down to me. I’m worrying about my next appointment with her because if I don’t go with her I won’t be able to see my actual doctor until August. And no I can’t go to a different provider here because the other one has a high mother and infant mortality rate.