Giving up hope

j • Waiting patiently for my little girl to come join her big brother

Oh ladies I’m falling apart today. I miscarried my second child in Feb, finding out at our first scan (12 weeks) that bubs had stopped growing around 8 weeks. I’d had a suspicion something was wrong when I’d noticed my heart rate (which had shot up after conception) had started to drop again, turns out I was right and was a missed mc. So fast forward and I’m now pregnant again and will be 6 weeks tomorrow, day before yesterday my heart rate started to drop again. I’m so scared and anxious, it’s quite early for symptoms anyway so I don’t have loads other that frequent urination and the odd cramp. Unlike my 2 other pregnancies my boobs haven’t ballooned in this one either. I’ve basically given up hope today, my HR dropped so low last night almost below my pre pregnancy rate. Just waiting for the bleeding now, I’ve got an early scan in 2 weeks but I can’t help but feel I won’t get that far. I don’t want the heartbreak again and this time we’ve not told anyone and I can’t even turn to a friend or my mum because it’s still secret. I don’t know what to do :-( x