19+4 pregnant with #2


Is it quite normal to feel uncomfortable with baby kicking/moving around? With my first, I enjoyed every second of it even when she was trying to rip my ribs out. But this pregnancy I feel almost guilty that I'm not getting the same joy out of her movements. Been feeling her move for about 2 weeks now, and I'm almost getting nauseous with her movements.

Also not feeling as attached to this pregnancy as my first (havent even had an ultrasound yet, as my OB office no longer does them and sends people to local hospital🙃). And feeling a LOT more fear and anxiety for giving birth this time around. I know I have 20+ weeks left.. I'm just feeling so different this time.

And, any mommas pregnant with their second that feel like they want someone to talk to I have no friends! Lol. I'd love someone to talk to during this pregnancy and after as well.