I think I’m having a miscarriage, advice please


I had an early ultrasound done due to bleeding on the 6th, two yolk sacs were found no fetal poles measuring 5 weeks & 5 days on the 12th. I have had hcg done and it’s increasing enough to where I am scheduled for a repeat ultrasound in 2 weeks. However my bleeding has picked up, I have yet to soak a whole pad but it’s starting to come out like a period *in small amounts* would when I go to the bathroom and I have seen 2 clots, & some mucus looking stuff that I’m told could be tissue? I am at a loss on what to do, my doctor is aware and I know there’s not anything that can be done at this point since I’m so early. I keep debating on going to the hospital, I’m just not sure what to do or what they could even do that my doctor couldn’t. I have had a miscarriage before but it was a *missed miscarriage*, I had no symptoms at all so I don’t have anything to compare this experience too. I also know it’s common for some women to bleed etc but my gut says something is wrong, I have never had bleeding with any of my other pregnancies or the mc. Does anyone have any advice?