Need Unbiased Opinion

I’m going to try to keep this as short as possible. My husband and I have a 19 month old son. My husband and I came from broken homes-my dad was a violent and abusive alcoholic and his father was a meth addict. My mother married within 2-3 years of leaving my father and has just remarried again. My husband and I try our best to make sure our child does not go through the trauma we went through. My mother has always chosen men over her children in various ways, some not as harmful as others but still hurtful at times. Recently some of her actions have left me feeling like I can’t hold it in anymore and I feel like a big talk is coming between us. There was a family funeral recently that my husband and I attended but did not take our son to being he is so young. I still haven’t heard the end of that, she thought we should have brought him. and now I’m being pressured to let my son stay in her new house with her and her husband while I work. I have never spoke up to her about her choices but I feel like if I don’t I will turn into a nasty person from holding these things in. I just needed to vent and was wondering if anyone had any unbiased insight? Thanks for reading if you’ve made it this far.