In need of a new night routine

Hello! We have three kids: daughter who is 6, son who is 4 and daughter who is 2. We are in need of a new night routine because what we have right now is NOT working and causing us unnecessary stress.

A few key points:

We need to have the kids up by 7 ish to leave at 8.

The 2 year old still naps from 12:30-3 almost every day.

Right now, we start bedtime routine around 7, the oldest plays in her room while my husband and I either bathe the younger ones or just put them to bed (pjs, brush teeth, read story, etc. and then I do the same with our oldest.

It doesn’t work because they all have very different sleeping habits: the 2 year old takes longer to fall asleep and needs to be rocked to sleep still, but she’s a great sleeper and rarely wakes up during the night. Our 4 year old absolutely despises sleep and will fight, scream, cry, anything to delay bedtime but once he’s asleep he’s usually okay. Our 6 year old is pretty easy to put tu sleep but wakes up during the night constantly, nightmares, can’t sleep, hungry, boredom; you name it.

They also like to wake eachother up whenever they can’t sleep which is a big problem as well, especially our 4 year old.