Clingy 4 year old while pregnant

My son is 4 and I’m now pregnant with my second. He’s gotten so clingy that now I can’t even use the bathroom in peace. I have to sneak off and go. I tried telling him okay momma has to go potty. So he will come behind and try to sit on the floor and talk to me!! I also don’t want to yell at him and tell him and hurt his feelings because he’s just being clingy now acting out or anything. He’s very independent he always “did his own thing” now I can’t shower in peace without him wanting to sit on the toilet and just be near. Me and his father is not together so when it’s his time to go over there he never wants to go he just wants to be with me and under me. Also before he goes he tells me mommy imma miss you when I’m there. I love my son don’t get me wrong but lawddddd I need to breathe !!! He use to sleep in his own bed but I’m finding him in my bed throughout the night. My fiancé is a truck driver so he gone majority of the time so it’s just me and my 4 yr old.

Has anyone dealt with a clingy child??