bedtime routines


Hi there!

What are your bedtime routines like?

I'm just wondering.

We still have a bedtime bottle of milk. It's his only bottle in the day (he sometimes has a cup during breakfast, but that's not a bottle)

So we brush teeth, take vitamins. Go upstairs and sit in the couch in his room in the dark to settle down for bed where he has his last bottle. We switch the bottle for his pacifier and his teddy and cuddle for a second. Then he asks to go to bed, we walk him to his groundbed (which is a single mattress surrounded by a groundpen with a little play area at the foot end of the bed) he gets himself into his bed, we cover him and he settles to go to sleep.

For me personally I'd like to incorporate a bedtime story and maybe leaving out the milk.. but I fear it might mess up his routine...