Ectopic pregnancy symptoms help!


Help I am concerned and afraid. I got my BFP at 12 dpo I didn’t spot or bled not until Thursday I started having pelvic pain and red spotting i immediately rushed to the ER they did an ultra sound and transvaginal one they draw blood to check my hCg. My hCg was 833 they told me they didn’t see a gestational sac maybe cause it was too soon in the pregnancy. Then they told me if I ever had pain on my right side or discharge because they found mild fluid filled structure-hydrosalpinx and maybe that was causing the bleeding. The prescribed me with microboid for 7 days. Then Friday I have very mild pain in pelvic area mostly on the left side nothing too concerning I kept bleeding heavily and not heavily. Saturday I went to the ER since they told me to go check my hCg to see if it was dropping or rising they also did another ultrasound and transvaginal my transvaginal ultrasound hurt on the left side the technician was apologizing. I was already sent with mild hydrosalpinx and threatened miscarriage. Then Dr Saturday came back and said my hCg dropped to 735 so that I am probably miscarrying and that I can also be having a tubal or ectopic pregnancy. I am so scared today I woke up with pain on my left side of the pelvic and it’s starting to hurt when I urinate I am also having vaginal bleeding. My shoulder or neck doesn’t hurt my the pain feels as if I can’t turn as if I have air stuck. I’m so so scared I go back torrow for another ultrasound and hCg beta. Please anyone had similar situation happen?